The ancient city of Modiin was known as the home town of the Hashmonaim - the place where the Hashmonaim Revolt took place and where Judah the Maccabi and his brothers were buried. The history of the Hashmonaim serves as a historical example of the heroism of the Jewish people for generations. The modern city of Modiin was built near the findings of the ancient Modiin. The first residents brought with them their pioneering spirit and community involvement which resonates throughout the city even today
The establishment of Modiin, a large new city in the center of the country was granted, in part, for the strategic need to create an urban continuity from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and to meet the needs of the housing shortage in the center of the country. The city provides a solution for people who want to live in the center but without the hustle and bustle of a big city while enjoying plentiful landscapes, clean air, and nature. The city is comprised of a young diverse population that chose the city with all its unique advantages in which to live and raise their children.
Modiin, the country's first planned city is spread over 55. dunams - half is comprised of developed areas and the other half green areas. The city was planned in two phases; the first phase will house approximately 125,000 residents and the second will house close to a quarter of a million residents.
Modiin was designed to benefit from the natural terrain spreading over the hills and valleys. The roads were laid out to outline the valleys and green public areas. Modiin is known for its comfortable temperatures, being 300 meters above sea level, is open to a north-west breeze and had low humidity.
Modiin is divided into four main zones: residential areas, main business centers, a light industrial zone, and a technology park. Each zone is surrounded by green areas.
The planning of the city distinguished between residential areas, industrial zones, and commercial areas in order to ensure a quality of life for residents. The city's cemetery, the last resting place for local residents, is set close to the treetops of the Ben Shemen forest.
The residential neighborhoods are built around the heart of the city - the urban business center and the central train station. Upon completing the City Center will encompass public institutions, municipal buildings, and commercial centers, in the heart of every neighborhood, is a shopping center which provides a convenient shopping solution for the residents.

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